Explore the personalisation of your path. We invite you to tell us your story and together we will witness the unfolding of your unique path. Imagine the petals of your heart unfurling and the fragrance spreading through the valley.
Who this path is for:
Those who desire a fully personalised experience based on their specific life story.
La verdadera transformación requiere una honestidad real; requiere ser realistas con nosotros mismos. Es un proceso de identificación de viejos patrones de comportamiento y de desprendimiento de pensamientos que ya no nos sirven. Lo más probable es que ya te hayas dado cuenta de que para experimentar la vida de forma diferente no basta con saberlo. Debemos aplicar lo que sabemos para transformar nuestra vida. Es aprender a cantar la canción del corazón y del alma, en lugar de la de nuestra mente.
Para encontrar el camino hacia nuestra esencia tenemos que aprender a relacionarnos con lo que sentimos; a salir de nuestra cabeza y entrar en la experiencia directa y no conceptual, en la sensación sentida. Tenemos puntos de vista y opiniones sobre nuestras experiencias, y tenemos la experiencia directa de un estado. A través del cuerpo podemos experimentar los fenómenos, en lugar de quedarnos atrapados en la línea de la historia que se desarrolla en la cabeza. La experiencia directa consiste en sentir sensaciones en el cuerpo; hormigueo, expansión, contracción, pulsación, lo que sea. Mientras que la historia en nuestra cabeza son pensamientos como oh, me duele, estoy preocupado, ¿qué me va a pasar? ¿qué pensarán de mí? etc.
Las historias en nuestra cabeza invocan sentimientos. Los sentimientos de estrés, agobio, frustración, ansiedad, depresión, etc., suelen estar relacionados con la resistencia, con resistirse a lo que es. En la acelerada sociedad actual, es muy fácil quedarse atrapado en el cuerpo mental y actuar sólo desde ahí. Nuestro estilo de vida contemporáneo deja poco espacio para escuchar lo que realmente sentimos y lo que realmente necesitamos. Acabamos atropellándonos, creando condiciones y hábitos poco saludables. Con el tiempo, esta resistencia empieza a manifestarse en el cuerpo de diferentes maneras: tensión, dolor y, finalmente, enfermedad. La buena noticia es que cuanto más conectados estemos con nuestro cuerpo físico y emocional, más conscientes seremos de cuándo nos resistimos a la vida en lugar de abrazarla.
Abrazar la vida significa que estamos creando conscientemente un entorno interior para que florezca nuestro potencial humano. ¿Cómo podríamos florecer y desarrollarnos como seres únicos si no nos damos el entorno para hacerlo?
Se nos dio un cuerpo humano para experimentar la vida plenamente a través de él. Sentir, sentir, pensar y actuar, todo forma parte de la experiencia humana. En otras palabras, si sólo aplicamos el cuerpo mental, utilizamos una parte muy pequeña de todo nuestro potencial humano. Acabamos viviendo una vida bastante fragmentada, disociada de nuestro cuerpo y desconectada del mundo que nos rodea.
Cuando vamos más despacio y entramos en contacto con nuestros cuerpos físico y emocional, tenemos la oportunidad de integrar estas partes de nuestro ser y, al hacerlo, vivir como un ser humano completo. Llegamos a utilizar nuestros recursos más plenamente. La vida se vuelve de repente muy colorida, vibrante y real. Podemos sentir, oler y saborear la vida de una manera que no éramos capaces de hacer a través de nuestro cuerpo mental. Despertamos a la vida en el momento presente. El viaje para liberar nuestro potencial humano ha comenzado. Nuestro corazón canta y nuestra vida se convierte en la danza de esa canción.
Algunas de las experiencias en este camino incluyen
• Explorar prácticas meditativas y de sanación para provocar un cambio en tu vida.
• Comenzar a comprender cómo romper viejos patrones y establecer nuevas formas de responder a las situaciones y personas en tu vida.
• Explorar la escucha a través del cuerpo, percibiendo el mundo a través de los sentidos.
• Tomar conciencia de sus patrones mentales y emocionales.
• Explorar la conexión entre mente, cuerpo, emociones y estrés.
• Intentar comprender de dónde surgen sus miedos y ansiedades.
• Descubra su propósito y viva con más autenticidad.
• Disfruta de la alegría de despertarte con el canto de los pájaros cada mañana.
• Nutre tu cuerpo con alimentos orgánicos saludables de nuestro jardín, cocinados con amor y servidos con detalles conscientes.
A quién va dirigido este camino:
• Aquellos interesados en una experiencia profundamente transformadora.
• Aquellos interesados en explorar todo su potencial humano.
• Aquellos que quieran profundizar en su autoconciencia y en la comprensión de sí mismos y del mundo.
• Quienes deseen vivir una vida más consciente.
• Quienes estén interesados en mejorar su rendimiento personal y profesional en un contexto de bienestaróptimo.
• Quien quiera vivir con más autenticidad y descubrir el propósito de su vida.
ESSENCE: holistic wellness, conscious living, embodied presence, self-awareness, embracing change, self-discovery, personal development, reclaiming your essence, authenticity, developing resilience, exploring interconnectedness, stillness through movement, healthy lifestyle, balance, human potential, living life to the fullest.
DURATION: 5, 7, 10 or 14 nights
MEAL PLAN: Option of 2 or 3 meals per day included (breakfast + lunch and/or dinner).
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Yoga, meditation, guided walks, conscious movement, handicraft workshop (in groups)+ Personalised sessions and treatments (please consult us).
Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you can see further. The path of self-discovery is infinite. Engaging in lifelong learning is a natural expression of living consciously. Consciously observing ourselves not only enhances our understanding of ourselves, but also of the world. Awakening is a path of inclusion, rather than exclusivity. It is the deepest sense of belonging and participation.
In exploring oneself, one discovers that unlocking potential is not so much a process of learning as it is a process of unlearning and undoing. It is a process of consciously awakening to our conditioned mind, to our conditioned behaviours and, in doing so, seeing them fall away giving space for new neural pathways to form, for deeper understanding to emerge and for more clarity to emerge.
By tuning into the present moment, we not only see with our eyes or hear with our ears, but we feel the sights and sounds of the world in our body and our being.
By honouring the sensations of the body, we understand the world through a different language than the thoughts in our head. We begin to unleash our true human potential: to be limitless, alive and full of creativity. This way of being can only be felt through direct experience, it cannot be thought. It is an inner path of self-realisation; a path of compassion, curiosity and courage.
Awakening is not a 'coming out' story. It is about "checking in", with oneself and with others; leaning in, going deeper, returning to the body, to our senses, to our humanity, fully embodying life on earth. Through direct experience comes a sense of heightened awareness, a clearer perspective of oneself and others, of the human being and the cosmos. It reveals the urgency to be real, to be fully present to who we are and to live our purpose authentically.
Healing and awakening come with responsiveness. We respond rather than react to life situations. We seek to understand rather than judge. We live authentically rather than pretending. Healing brings unity rather than division, and integration rather than separation. We face life's challenges with patience, honesty and grace. If anything reflects our stage of awakening, it is our actions. We can never fake our growth; our triggers will always expose us. So we learn to love the perfection of imperfections. As Lao Tzu puts it "True perfection appears imperfect, but is perfectly itself"
Some of the experiences on this path include
- Developing self-awareness and self-compassion.
- Exploring meditative and healing practices to bring about change in your life.
- Becoming aware of your mental and emotional patterns.
- Trying to understand where your fears and anxieties arise from.
- Expanding your intuition and inner guidance by learning to listen with your "common sense".
- Discover your purpose and live more authentically.
Who this path is for:
- Anyone who wishes to deepen their self-awareness and self-understanding.
- Anyone who wishes to explore the interconnectedness of all beings.
- Those interested in living in harmony with their environment.
- Those who wish to experience and regain their vitality and creativity.
- Anyone who wants to cultivate a sense of inner calm and balance.
- Anyone who wants to live a more conscious life.
ESSENCE: Integral well-being, conscious living, embodied presence, self-awareness, self-discovery, truth-finding, self-inquiry, reclaiming your essence, personal development, authentic living, cultivating patience.
DURATION: 5, 7, 10 or 14 nights
MEAL PLAN: Option of 2 or 3 meals per day included (breakfast + lunch and/or dinner).
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Yoga, meditation, guided walks, conscious movement, handicraft workshop (in group)+ Personalised sessions and treatments (please consult us), meditation, walking, movement, handicraft workshop (in group)+ Personalised sessions and treatments (please consult us).
Movement and stillness; two sides of the same coin. It may seem paradoxical that these two forces can coexist simultaneously, and yet they do. Through movement we can find stillness.
Stress factors such as anxiety, restlessness or unease can easily creep into our lives. When we find ourselves surrounded by these thoughts and feelings, movement is a great way to get in touch with our body. Connecting with our physicality brings us into the present moment. Connecting with our body, with what is real and present, gives us a different perspective, which can help us release entangled thought patterns to find peace and clarity in the here and now.
Our mind is not just the thoughts in our head. Our mind permeates every cell of our body. Every stirring of energy in our body is an expression of it. Therefore, if we wish to calm our mind, the most direct path is to develop the skills that allow us to feel the energy of our body and ground it in the spaciousness of the present. Connecting with the natural movement patterns of our body, allowing it to express itself, can be the most liberating experience. Movement can help identify areas of physical imbalance and related emotional and mental patterns. Our thoughts about life, whether conscious or not, inform our behaviour patterns, and our behaviours become our lifestyle. For many of us, our lifestyle is creating imbalances in our system. These imbalances manifest in the form of tightness, tension, discomfort and pain in the body; until one day, if left unaddressed, disease manifests.
Moving our bodies is a way to access a deeper understanding of our inner landscape; such understanding is often a catalyst for healing, balance, relaxation and ultimately stillness. Feel your body, fall in love with it, nurture it, care for it and let it be an expression of the vitality within you. It is your only instrument in the dance of life: what would life be without a body?
Some of the experiences on this path include
- Explore awareness through different movement practices.
- Explore our mental and emotional landscape through our physical body.
- Release physical and emotional blockages through movement
- Enjoy hiking and cycling in a beautiful natural environment.
- Achieve inner balance and confidence.
- Restore our vital energy bringing joy and a sense of freedom to our lives.
Who this trail is for:
- People who want to spend time in nature.
- People who want to discover the relationship between our physical, emotional and mental landscape.
- Anyone who wants to develop a calm and balanced mind through movement practices.
- Anyone who wants to develop resilience and restore life energy.
- Anyone who wants to develop mindfulness and contemplative practices to facilitate change.
ESSENCE: holistic wellness, conscious living, embodied presence, self-awareness, stress management, mental and emotional health, resilience, balance, healthy lifestyle, human potential.
DURATION: 5, 7, 10 or 14 nights
MEAL PLAN: Option of 2 or 3 meals per day included (breakfast + lunch and/or dinner).
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Yoga, meditation, guided walks, conscious movement, handicraft workshop (in groups)+ Personalised sessions and treatments (please consult us).
Society moves fast, while our basic needs as humans, not so much. We struggle to keep pace with the very world we have created and continue to create. We live in an age of ever-increasing stress. We live in a paradox where the development of technologies and hyper-connectedness has led to a loss of connection, where the expectation of everything on demand has given rise to the lure of the slow, the bespoke, the natural and the handmade, a world of unlimited choice that, combined with limited time, creates a sense of fear of missing out. The tension we feel is real. We have created a society that leads to distress, disconnection and dysfunction. So much so, that what we classify as abnormal behaviours in our society are actually natural responses to a rather abnormal society.
To free ourselves from increased tension and stress, we must pause, slow down and begin to observe our physical sensations and emotions. The body knows. If we connect with it, it will guide us to a deeper understanding of what we need to do to care for and nourish ourselves. Instead of judging our state, we turn to curiosity, seeking to explore and understand our physical, emotional and mental state. We embrace the intelligence of our nervous system, which has provided us with self-defence mechanisms to cope with increased stress and tension. Our path now is to resource ourselves so that the nervous system can begin to relax and release those patterns back to optimal functioning. When we establish inner peace, we develop the tools to meet life's challenges with awareness, understanding and adaptability.
When we, as individuals, change, so does the world, because the world is made up of individuals. As human beings, we have the power to shift the paradigm from one of stress and survival to one of health and vitality. The key to a buoyant and fulfilling life lies in all of us. Unlocking human potential and being free is not about changing or fixing this world, but about seeing the world as it is and beginning to heal ourselves in the midst of it. All great artists draw from the same resource: the human heart, which tells us that we are all more alike than unequal. When we feel powerless, we have stopped listening to our heart, and that is precisely where our power lies.
Some of the experiences on this path include
- Coming to understand how thought and bodily tension are interrelated.
- Explore the connection between mind, body and stress.
- Learn to identify the early signs of stress and how to release it to find balance.
- Build mental health and resilience through mindfulness practices.
- Learn practices that will help you create conditions for a happier, more peaceful and meaningful life.
- Discover how conscious connection with nature can improve your health and well-being.
Who this path is for:
- Those who want to unwind from physical and mental stress.
- Anyone who wants to develop a calm and balanced mind.
- Those who want to develop resilience and restore vital energy.
- Those who want to improve their personal well-being and professional performance.
- Those seeking a balanced life filled with inner peace, joy and freedom.
- Those who want to spend time in nature connecting with natural rhythms.
ESSENCE: holistic wellness, conscious living, embodied presence, self-awareness, stress management, mental and emotional health, resilience, balance, healthy lifestyle, human potential.
DURATION: 5, 7, 10 or 14 nights
MEAL PLAN: Option of 2 or 3 meals per day included (breakfast + lunch and/or dinner).
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Yoga, meditation, guided walks, conscious movement, handicraft workshop (in groups)+ Personalised sessions and treatments (please consult us).
Living an incarnated life teaches us what our inner state is that directs our behaviour. Our behaviours are a reflection of how we relate to ourselves and the world around us. By witnessing what is, by observing our physical, emotional and mental responses in each moment, we come to a deeper understanding of our behaviours. We awaken to the fact that we are not independent beings, but interconnected beings.
What affects one directly, affects all indirectly. This is the interrelated structure of "We", as people, animals, plants, air, water, soil, we are the earth. We are not separate; we are an ecosystem. Being aware of the interrelatedness of all life on earth can help us understand that by healing ourselves, we heal the world. Personal wellbeing goes hand in hand with the wellbeing of the planet.
By slowing down, we invite nature to show us ways to find peace, harmony, healing and inspiration within ourselves. We feel the connection between the earth we walk on, the plants that nurture us, the buildings that protect us and our patterns of thought, word and action. We choose to live in harmony with nature, honouring the natural rhythm of the seasons, witnessing the beauty of being, becoming and belonging.
By tuning into the natural circadian rhythm, we allow our body's inherent intelligence to self-regulate our system. The spontaneous movement in all of us is towards connection, health and vitality. Just as a plant moves spontaneously towards sunlight, there is in each of us an impulse that moves towards connection and healing. Choosing connection is enriching and inspiring. We are here to connect, explore, experience, discover, feel, learn and grow. We are on a path to unlock our human potential; to feel alive, connected and free.
Some of the experiences on this path include
- Learning about the right foods to support the immune system.
- Learning about natural remedies and food as medicine.
- Breaking free from unhealthy mental and emotional habits.
- Exploring the mind-body connection through yoga, mindful movement and meditation.
- Discovering the art of being, rather than the need to do.
- Receive healing massages and body treatments.
- Explore the synchronisation of biological rhythm with nature.
Who this path is for:
- Those interested in nutrition and natural remedies.
- People seeking to increase their self-awareness and live more consciously.
- People interested in regaining vitality and resilience of body and mind.
- Those interested in improving their physical, mental and emotional well-being.
- Those who wish to access mindfulness practices and meditations that allow them to reprogram behavioural patterns.
- Those who wish to spend time in nature connecting with natural rhythms.
ESSENCE: holistic wellness, conscious living, embodied presence, self-awareness, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, resilience, longevity, balance, connectedness
DURATION: 5, 7, 10 or 14 nights
MEAL PLAN: Option of 2 or 3 meals per day included (breakfast + lunch and/or dinner).
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Yoga, meditation, guided walks, conscious movement, handicraft workshop (in groups)+ Personalised sessions and treatments (please consult us).
Have you ever stopped to reflect on the question: who am I? Who am I if I take off my professional title, my role as mother, father, sister, brother, son or daughter? Who am I if I take off all the different titles and roles by which I am defined by others or by myself? Simply being with the question who I am in its purest essence can be the beginning of a path of self-discovery. A path that invites us to discover what really is; what is authentic and what is real.
Being a person allows us to experience the world through our body and our senses. Our physical sensations and emotions are our messengers. When we learn to listen to them rather than become them, we can make the active choice to participate in an enriching lifestyle that promotes health rather than one that causes stress and illness. The next time you feel the slightest hint of stress, whether you are running late or feeling angry, frustrated or generally inadequate, pause. Notice what is happening in your body. Capturing that moment is key.
Being present and aware allows insights, clarity and deeper understanding to emerge. We connect with our true self, our essence, our uniqueness, and come to honour the immense potential of an embodied life. We celebrate the mystery of being human. We come to understand that life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. One of life's greatest discoveries is the discovery of self. Until we find ourselves, we will always be someone else. Don't be a copy, be yourself.
Some of the experiences on this path include
- Improve your body awareness through mindful movement and different types of meditations.
- Discover mindfulness practices and meditations that you can implement in your daily life.
- Explore the relationship between your physical, emotional and mental landscape.
- Enjoy healthy and nutritious food from our organic garden.
- Connect with the serenity of nature and the natural environment.
Who this path is for:
- Anyone who wishes to find more peace, joy, creativity and freedom in life.
- Anyone who wishes to increase their self-awareness and live more consciously.
- Anyone who wishes to develop mindfulness and contemplative practices for a more balanced life.
- Those who are interested in starting to do things differently.
- Those who want to spend time in nature connecting with natural rhythms.
ESSENCE: Integral well-being, conscious living, embodied presence, self-awareness.
DURATION: 3, 5, 7, 10, 10, 14, 21 nights
MEAL PLAN: Option of 2 or 3 meals per day included (breakfast + lunch and/or dinner).
ACTIVITIES INCLUDED: Yoga, meditation, guided walks, conscious movement, handicraft workshop (in groups) *From 5 nights onwards 1 lifestyle consultation is included.
Explore the mystery of being "human", unleash your potential, discover your soul's purpose - transform your
Simply asking the question "who am I", in its purest essence, can be the beginning of a path of self-discovery.
A path that invites us to discover what is really essential; what is authentic and what is real.
Being human allows us to experience the world through our body and our senses. Our physical sensations and emotions are our messengers. When we learn to listen to them rather than become them, we can make the active choice to engage in a nurturing lifestyle that promotes health rather than habits that cause stress and illness. The next time you feel the slightest hint of stress, whether you are running late or feeling angry, frustrated or generally uneasy, pause. Notice what is happening in your body. Catching that moment is key.
Being present and aware allows for insights, clarity and deeper understanding to emerge. We connect with our true self, our essence, our uniqueness, and come to appreciate the immense potential of an embodied life. We will celebrate the mystery of being human. We will come to understand that life is not a problem to be solved, but a wonderful mystery to be lived. One of the greatest discoveries in life is the discovery of oneself.
Don't be a copy, discover how to be yourself.
Some of the experiences we offer will guide you on that path.