Spa & Wellness


Ancient wheats have been almost extinct as a result of the appearance of modern grains, since the so-called industrial wheats were designed to be more productive. 

Xeixa wheat has been saved from extinction thanks to courageous people with initiative, such as Mallorcan bakers and farmers. 

A good quality wheat, white flour and tastier than ordinary wheat. It is true that Xeixa wheat is less productive, but it should also be noted that its grain is highly digestive and low in gluten so it is more assimilable for the human body; features that make a difference with industrial wheat.

The aroma and flavor make clear the value of the Xeixa grain, since it is more intense, in addition, in the allergic index, which is almost nonexistent, something that is due to the low gluten content.

Low productivity was the main reason why farmers stopped growing it. Suffice it to say that in 1.4 hectares 1,600 kilos of Xeixa are obtained, while in the same extension the industrial wheat reaches the triple of production. To this purely economic cause, some Mallorcan farmers, among them, our company Es Racó d'Artà S.L., stood up to become key figures in the recovery of Xeixa. 

We cultivate more than 2.5 hectares in an environmentally friendly manner, under the organic seal that we proudly harbor.

We are committed to preserve this quality food and heritage of the island. Part of our production is used for the next crop in November/December and the rest for internal consumption on the farm.

We must not forget the farmers who in recent years have opted to sow it again, as well as the bakers who have decided to reintroduce it in the diet and in their catalog of products. Something that is also happening in Menorca, Eivissa and Catalonia, and more slowly in the País Valencià, places where work is being done to restore the lost prestige and consumption of Xeixa wheat.

"Els rics mengen pa de xeixa i per noltros sols no hi ha mestall" (The rich eat xeixa bread and for us there is almost no mestall).
Guillem d'Efak (1929-1995) in his poem 'Cançó de Son Coletes'.

We are delighted to share with you in this blog entry, our pride and joy after harvesting the 2022 production of this precious and ancestral grain of wheat.